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Polykey CLI

The Polykey Command Line Interface (CLI) is the primary user interface for the Polykey system, tailored for developers and system administrators. It was conceived from the necessity of managing secrets efficiently during software development and deployment workflows.


The Polykey CLI is the first and primary interface to the Polykey system. It is intended for developers and system administrators who require an advanced tool for managing secrets efficiently. New features are introduced in the CLI first, serving as a testing and integration ground before being ported to other user interfaces. This approach ensures that the features are reliable and refined for professional use.

We designed the CLI user-experience (UX) to be suitable for a human operator, but also to be easily scripted and integrated into other tools.

The tutorial here should be followed in order, and the goal is to make use of Polykey to manage secrets for a simple application from development to deployment.

The CLI is open-source and available on GitHub: Polykey CLI.

Supported Platforms

Polykey is continuously built and tested on:

  • Linux x64 / arm64
  • MacOS x64 / arm64
  • Windows x64
  • Docker
Polykey is currently in beta. Its interface is at various levels of

stability. So bear with us as we perfect its design. You can contribute by discussing with us on Discord or creating issue tickets in the Polykey-CLI repo on GitHub. :::

Getting Started

Start your journey with Polykey by following the tutorials below in sequence:

For a visual walkthrough, check out our

getting started demo video after installing Polykey. :::

  1. Installation - Install Polykey CLI on your platform.
  2. Bootstrap Keypair - Set up your node and connect to the network.
  3. Managing Vaults - Securely store secrets within encrypted vaults.
  4. Managing Secrets - Organize and handle secrets within your vaults.
  5. Claiming Digital Identities - Establish and authenticate your identity within the network.
  6. Discovering Other User's Identities - Find and verify other users to manage permissions.
  7. Sharing Vaults - Share your encrypted vaults securely with peers.
  8. Managing Multiple Nodes - Operate multiple local nodes/agents.
  9. Using Environment Variables - Master polykey secrets env for dynamic environment management.

Explore advanced scenarios in subsequent sections, including:

  • Managing multiple local nodes
  • Integrating multiple nodes with a single identity
  • Injecting secrets directly into your development environments using Polykey’s env command

This will prepare you to fully exploit Polykey’s capabilities in diverse and complex operational settings.