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Style Guide


Don't use _var to indicate a new var. This by convention used for private variables. Instead use var_ to indicate a new variant of the same variable. In Haskell we use var' to be similar to mathematical convention "var-prime".

Naming Conventions


Class Extension

Prefer appending the extended class name to the parent class name.

class Connection {}

class ConnectionForward extends Connection {}

class ConnectionReverse extends Connection {}

Encapsulated Variance

You can prepend a name to indicate different variations of the same behaviour:

class ForwardProxy {}

class ReverseProxy {}

API Design

Guideslines for API Design

The details of implementation depend on the API context: HTTP, GRPC, RPC, Local Function Calls, Procedures and CLI Commands.

But there are commonalities, and also they emanate from a functional design.


  • Functions are meant to be pure, this means no side-effects, or at least no observable side-effects
  • Functions also are input output machines. They just transform input to output.
  • If functions take a reference to an object/data structure, they do not mutate that object/data structure, they also return new data structures.
  • Functions should not throw exceptions. They should succeed no matter the input, as long as the type system sufficiently constrains the input.
    • Therefore functions that get something should return a sentinel value representing emptiness, whether that is null, undefined or 0, or [].
  • Functions should be composable, the output of a function should be used as the input to another function.


  • Procedures are side-effectful.
  • Procedures may take input and then return void. Returning void is fine as the expectation is that they have mutated something.
  • Procedures may take references to objects/data structure and they mutate them. They should return void here.
  • Procedures may throw exceptions.
  • Procedures may require specific order when applied to a common data structure.
  • Procedures can return a value if that value is needed for subsequent procedural operations (such as an ID after a creation procedure), and it is inefficient to expect the caller to fetch that value from a separate function. Bias towards returning void, and then only return the minimal values where needed.

Network Calls RPC:

  • Some RPC calls are functions and should behave like so
  • Some RPC calls are procedures and should behave like so
  • RPC calls that get a singular resource based on an ID, should return either the value or a sentinel value representing emptiness.
  • RPC calls that get a collection of resources based on an ID, should return a collection of values or the sentinel collection like [] or a stream that just ends.
  • RPC calls that get a resource based on another resource based on the ID should also return a sentinel value.
  • RPC calls that does something to a resource based on the ID should return an error if that ID doesn't exist. Because normally it would return void like procedures.

Network Request Response HTTP:

  • This is known as message-passing API, different from RPC style API
  • Replace singular resource emptiness with a 404 status code
  • Collection resource emptiness is still [] but without a 404 status code

CLI Commands:

  • Replace singular resource emptiness with a exit code greater than 0 and a STDERR message.
  • Collection resource emptiness is still [] but without an exit code.