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In the Polykey network, nodes represent the foundational elements of connectivity and interaction.

Node Structure

The structure of nodes in Polykey encompasses several key elements, each contributing to the node's identity, connectivity, and functionality within the network:

  1. NodeId: The primary identifier for a node within the Polykey network. It uniquely identifies each node, playing a critical role in node-to-node interactions and communications.

  2. NodeAddress: Comprises a host or hostname and a port. This combination allows for the location and accessibility of nodes within the network, facilitating direct connections and communications.

  3. NodeContact: A record mapping NodeContactAddress to NodeContactAddressData. It contains detailed information about how and when a node was last connected, including the connection mode and last active timestamp.

  4. NodeBucket: An array of node IDs and their corresponding contacts. Node buckets are used in distributed hash tables (DHTs) to organize nodes based on their distance in the network.

  5. NodeGraphSpace: Indicates the space within the NodeGraph where a node resides. It is used to classify and manage nodes in different contexts or domains within the network.

  6. ConnectionErrorCode and ConnectionErrorReason: Enums that define various error codes and reasons related to node connections, aiding in error handling and network stability.

  7. SeedNodes: A record of initial nodes used for bootstrapping the network. Seed nodes provide the entry points for new nodes to join and integrate into the network.

type NodeAddressScope = 'local' | 'global';

type NodeAddress = [Host | Hostname, Port];

type NodeBucketIndex = number;

type NodeBucket = Array<[NodeId, NodeContact]>;



type NodeId

  • A unique identifier for a node within the Polykey network, essential for node identification and interaction.

type NodeAddress

  • A tuple comprising a host (or hostname) and a port, representing the network address of a node for connectivity.

type NodeBucket

  • An array structure used in a distributed hash table (DHT) to organize nodes based on their network distance, containing pairs of NodeId and NodeContact.

type NodeBucketIndex

  • A numerical index used to categorize nodes into different buckets within the DHT based on their proximity or distance.

type NodeContactAddressData

  • Detailed information about a node's last connection, including the connection mode (direct, signal, relay), last connected time, and address scopes.

type NodeIdEncoded

  • An encoded form of NodeId, facilitating the storage and transmission of node identifiers in a compact, serialized format.

NodeManager Class Specification


Initializes an instance of NodeManager with necessary dependencies and configuration.

  • An object containing:
    • db: Database instance for data storage.
    • keyRing: Key management system.
    • sigchain: Signature chain for cryptographic operations.
    • gestaltGraph: GestaltGraph instance for managing node identities.
    • taskManager: TaskManager for handling asynchronous tasks.
    • nodeGraph: NodeGraph for managing node network topology.
    • nodeConnectionManager: Manages connections between nodes.
    • mdnsOptions: Optional multicast DNS options for local network discovery.
    • connectionConnectTimeoutTime: Timeout for establishing NodeConnection.
    • refreshBucketDelayTime: Interval for refreshing buckets in the DHT.
    • refreshBucketDelayJitter: Jitter applied to the bucket refresh interval.
    • retryConnectionsDelayTime: Interval for retrying connections to maintain network health.
    • nodesConnectionFindLocalTimeoutTime: Timeout for finding local connections via MDNS.
    • logger: Logger instance.
Usage Example:
const nodeManager = new NodeManager({
db: databaseInstance,
keyRing: keyRingInstance,
sigchain: sigchainInstance,
gestaltGraph: gestaltGraphInstance,
taskManager: taskManagerInstance,
nodeGraph: nodeGraphInstance,
nodeConnectionManager: nodeConnectionManagerInstance,
mdnsOptions: { groups: [hostInstance], port: portNumber },
connectionConnectTimeoutTime: 10000,
refreshBucketDelayTime: 30000,
refreshBucketDelayJitter: 5000,
retryConnectionsDelayTime: 45000,
nodesConnectionFindLocalTimeoutTime: 5000,
logger: new Logger('NodeManager'),

public async start(): Promise<void>

Starts the NodeManager, initializing network services, task handlers, and MDNS for node discovery.

  • Registers task handlers for various operations like refreshing buckets, garbage collection, connection checks, and node graph synchronization.
  • Sets up initial refresh bucket tasks and schedules tasks for checking connections.
  • Initializes multicast DNS (MDNS) for local network discovery and service registration.
  • Adds event listeners for handling node connections.
Usage Example:
await nodeManager.start();

public async stop(): Promise<void>

Stops the NodeManager, halting network services, task handlers, and MDNS operations.

  • Removes event listeners for node connections.
  • Stops the MDNS service.
  • Cancels all scheduled tasks and deregisters task handlers.
Usage Example:
await nodeManager.stop();

public acquireConnection(...): ResourceAcquire<NodeConnection>

Acquires a connection to a specified node, establishing a new connection if necessary.

  • nodeId: Identifier of the target node (NodeId).
  • ctx?: Optional context for timed operations.
  • Validates the target node ID and checks for an existing connection.
  • If no connection exists, initiates a findNode operation to establish a connection.
  • Returns a resource acquisition function for the established node connection.
  • ResourceAcquire<NodeConnection>: A function to acquire the connection resource.
Usage Example:
const connectionAcquire = nodeManager.acquireConnection(targetNodeId);
const connection = await connectionAcquire();

public withConnF(...): PromiseCancellable<T>

Facilitates communication with another node over the network using an existing or new connection.

  • nodeId: Identifier of the target node (NodeId).
  • f: A function that handles communication with the node connection.
  • ctx?: Optional context for timed operations.
  • Acquires a connection to the specified node.
  • Executes the provided function f with the established connection.
  • Handles the connection lifecycle, ensuring proper acquisition and release.
  • PromiseCancellable<T>: A cancellable promise that resolves to the result of the function f.
Usage Example:
const result = await nodeManager.withConnF(targetNodeId, async (conn) => {
// Perform operations using the connection

public withConnG(...): AsyncGenerator<T, TReturn, TNext>

Executes a generator function for network communication with another node.

  • nodeId: Identifier of the target node (NodeId).
  • g: A generator function to handle communication.
  • ctx?: Optional context for timed operations.
  • Retrieves or establishes a connection to the specified node.
  • Executes the generator function g using the connection.
  • Manages the connection resource, ensuring proper handling of errors and release.
  • AsyncGenerator<T, TReturn, TNext>: An asynchronous generator yielding results from the generator function g.
Usage Example:
for await (const data of nodeManager.withConnG(
async function* (conn) {
// Yield results from the generator function
)) {
// Handle yielded data

public findNode(...): PromiseCancellable<[NodeAddress, NodeContactAddressData] | undefined>

Attempts to find a node within the network using various connection strategies.

  • An object containing:
    • nodeId: Identifier of the target node (NodeId).
    • connectionConnectTimeoutTime: Timeout for individual connections.
    • connectionFindMDNSTimeoutTime: Timeout for finding connections via MDNS.
    • concurrencyLimit: Limit for concurrent connection attempts.
    • limit: Total connection attempt limit.
  • ctx?: Optional context for timed operations.
  • Utilizes signal-based, direct, and MDNS discovery strategies to locate the node.
  • Manages concurrent and total connection attempts with specified limits.
  • Resolves to the node's address and contact data upon successful discovery.
  • PromiseCancellable<[NodeAddress, NodeContactAddressData] | undefined>: A cancellable promise resolving to the node's address and contact data, if found.
Usage Example:
const nodeInfo = await nodeManager.findNode({ nodeId: targetNodeId });

public findNodeBySignal(...): PromiseCancellable<[[Host, Port], NodeContactAddressData]>

Attempts to connect to a node using signal-based (hole punched) connections.

  • nodeId: NodeId of the target node.
  • nodeConnectionsQueue: A shared helper class for managing node connections.
  • connectionConnectTimeoutTime: Timeout for each individual connection.
  • ctx: Optional context for timed operations.
  • Seeds the initial queue with the closest connections.
  • Attempts to establish a connection using signal-based methods.
  • Continues trying connections until the target node is successfully connected or all options are exhausted.
  • PromiseCancellable<[[Host, Port], NodeContactAddressData]>: A promise that resolves to the node's address and connection data if successful.
Usage Example:
const result = await nodeManager.findNodeBySignal(nodeId, nodeConnectionsQueue);

public findNodeByDirect(...): PromiseCancellable<[[Host, Port], NodeContactAddressData]>

Tries to establish a direct connection to a node without using signaling.

  • nodeId: NodeId of the target node.
  • nodeConnectionsQueue: A shared helper class for managing node connections.
  • connectionConnectTimeoutTime: Timeout for each individual connection.
  • ctx: Optional context for timed operations.
  • Initiates the process by seeding the queue with the closest nodes.
  • Attempts to connect directly to each node in the queue.
  • Proceeds with attempts until a successful connection is made or all options are explored.
  • PromiseCancellable<[[Host, Port], NodeContactAddressData]>: A promise that resolves to the node's address and connection data upon successful direct connection.
Usage Example:
const directConnection = await nodeManager.findNodeByDirect(

These methods provide specialized strategies for finding and connecting to nodes within the Polykey network. findNodeBySignal leverages signal-based connections for nodes that might be behind NATs or firewalls, while findNodeByDirect attempts direct connections when signaling is not necessary. Both methods are essential for maintaining a robust and flexible network, allowing nodes to establish connections in various network environments.

public queryMDNS(...): PromiseCancellable<Array<[Host, Port]>>

Queries the network via MDNS for Polykey nodes matching a specific NodeId.

  • nodeId: The NodeId of the target node.
  • ctx: Optional context for timed operations.
  • Performs an MDNS query to discover services associated with the specified NodeId.
  • Returns the list of discovered addresses and ports for the target node.
  • PromiseCancellable<Array<[Host, Port]>>: A promise that resolves to an array of host-port tuples found via MDNS.
Usage Example:
const mdnsAddresses = await nodeManager.queryMDNS(targetNodeId);

public findNodeByMDNS(...): PromiseCancellable<[[Host, Port], NodeContactAddressData]>

Attempts to find a node in the local network using MDNS and establish a connection.

  • nodeId: The NodeId of the target node.
  • ctx: Optional context for timed operations.
  • Queries MDNS for the target node's addresses.
  • Attempts to establish a connection to the node using the discovered addresses.
  • Throws an error if no addresses are found or if the connection attempt fails.
  • PromiseCancellable<[[Host, Port], NodeContactAddressData]>: A promise that resolves to the node's address and connection data upon successful MDNS discovery and connection.
Usage Example:
const mdnsConnection = await nodeManager.findNodeByMDNS(targetNodeId);

protected async queueDataFromRequest(...)

Queries a target node for the closest nodes to a specified node and adds them to the connection queue.

  • nodeId: NodeId to find the closest nodes to.
  • nodeIdTarget: NodeId of the node to make RPC requests to.
  • nodeConnectionsQueue: Shared class instance for managing node connections.
  • ctx: Context for timed operations.
  • Makes a remote procedure call (RPC) to the target node to retrieve the closest active and local nodes to the specified node.
  • Adds the retrieved nodes to the node connections queue for further connection attempts.
Usage Example:
await nodeManager.queueDataFromRequest(

public pingNode(...): PromiseCancellable<[NodeAddress, NodeContactAddressData] | undefined>

Attempts to establish a connection with a specified node or uses an existing connection to confirm its reachability.

  • nodeId: NodeId of the target node.
  • ctx?: Optional context for timed operations.
  • Utilizes findNode to attempt to establish a connection to the target node.
  • Returns the node's address and contact data if the connection is successfully established or already exists.
  • PromiseCancellable<[NodeAddress, NodeContactAddressData] | undefined>: A promise that resolves to the node's address and contact data, or undefined if the connection cannot be established.
Usage Example:
const result = await nodeManager.pingNode(targetNodeId);

public pingNodeAddress(...): PromiseCancellable<boolean>

Attempts to make a direct connection to a specified node address without ICE (Interactive Connectivity Establishment).

  • nodeId: NodeId of the target node.
  • host: Host address of the target node.
  • port: Port number of the target node.
  • ctx?: Optional context for timed operations.
  • Checks for an existing connection to the target node.
  • Tries to establish a direct connection under certain conditions, such as an existing connection, NAT configuration, or public accessibility.
  • Returns true if the connection is established or already exists, false otherwise.
  • PromiseCancellable<boolean>: A promise that resolves to true if the connection is successful, false otherwise.
Usage Example:
const isPingSuccessful = await nodeManager.pingNodeAddress(nodeId, host, port);

public requestChainData(...): PromiseCancellable<Record<ClaimId, SignedClaim>>

Requests chain data (claims) from a target node, optionally filtering by a specific claim ID.

  • targetNodeId: NodeId of the target node to request data from.
  • claimId?: Optional specific claim ID to request.
  • ctx?: Optional context for timed operations.
  • Connects to the target node and requests its chain data.
  • Verifies the received claims before adding them to the returned record.
  • Optionally filters the request for a specific claim ID.
  • PromiseCancellable<Record<ClaimId, SignedClaim>>: A promise that resolves to a record of claim IDs and their corresponding verified claims.
Usage Example:
const chainData = await nodeManager.requestChainData(

public claimNode(...): PromiseCancellable<void>

Initiates the process of claiming a node, generating and exchanging signed claims between nodes.

  • targetNodeId: NodeId of the target node to claim.
  • tran?: Optional database transaction.
  • ctx?: Optional context for timed operations.
  • Generates a claim for linking the node and exchanges it with the target node for cross-signing.
  • Both nodes verify and sign each other's claims.
  • Updates the Gestalt Graph with the newly established link.
Usage Example:
await nodeManager.claimNode(targetNodeId);

public async *handleClaimNode(...): AsyncGenerator<AgentRPCResponseResult<AgentClaimMessage>>

Handles a claim node request from another node, processing the exchange of claims.

  • requestingNodeId: NodeId of the node initiating the claim request.
  • input: Async iterable of agent RPC request parameters for claim messages.
  • tran?: Optional database transaction.
  • Processes the incoming claim request, verifying and signing the received claim.
  • Generates a new claim for the requesting node and sends it for cross-signing.
  • Updates the Gestalt Graph with the link between the two nodes.
Usage Example:
for await (const response of nodeManager.handleClaimNode(
)) {
// Process response

public setNode(...): PromiseCancellable<void>

Adds or updates a node in the NodeGraph, ensuring node authentication and managing node bucket constraints.

  • nodeId: NodeId of the node to add or update.
  • nodeAddress: Address of the node.
  • nodeContactAddressData: Additional contact data for the node.
  • block: Flag to block the operation until any ongoing garbage collection finishes.
  • force: Flag to add the node without authentication or in a full bucket, replacing the oldest node.
  • connectionConnectTimeoutTime: Timeout for ping operations during garbage collection.
  • ctx: Optional context for timed operations.
  • tran: Optional database transaction.
  • Skips adding if the nodeId is the same as the manager's nodeId.
  • Handles three scenarios:
    1. Node exists: updates the node.
    2. Node doesn't exist and bucket has room: adds the node.
    3. Node doesn't exist and bucket is full: pings the oldest node and decides to update or replace it based on ping success.
  • If force is true, replaces the oldest node regardless of ping result.
  • Adds nodes to a pending list if the bucket is full and force is false.
Usage Example:
await nodeManager.setNode(

public async unsetNode(nodeId: NodeId, tran: DBTransaction): Promise<void>

Removes a node from the NodeGraph.

  • nodeId: NodeId of the node to remove.
  • tran: Database transaction.
  • Removes the specified node from the NodeGraph.
Usage Example:
await nodeManager.unsetNode(targetNodeId, transaction);

public async getBucket(bucketIndex: number, tran?: DBTransaction): Promise<NodeBucket | undefined>

Retrieves a specific bucket from the NodeGraph based on its index.

  • bucketIndex: Index of the bucket to retrieve.
  • tran: Optional database transaction.
  • Fetches and returns the specified bucket from the NodeGraph.
  • Promise<NodeBucket | undefined>: A promise that resolves to the requested bucket or undefined if not found.
Usage Example:
const bucket = await nodeManager.getBucket(bucketIndex, transaction);

protected garbageCollectBucket(...): PromiseCancellable<void>

Performs garbage collection on a specific bucket in the NodeGraph.

  • bucketIndex: Index of the bucket to perform garbage collection on.
  • connectionConnectTimeoutTime: Timeout for each ping operation during garbage collection.
  • ctx: Optional context for timed operations.
  • tran: Optional database transaction.
  • Iterates over each node in the specified bucket.
  • Pings each node to check its responsiveness.
  • Removes unresponsive nodes to make room for pending nodes.
  • Fills the bucket with pending nodes until full, discarding any remaining pending nodes.
  • Ensures concurrency control and respects the cancellation signal.
Usage Example:
await nodeManager.garbageCollectBucket(

protected async addPendingNode(...): Promise<void>

Adds a node to the pending list for a specified bucket, possibly triggering garbage collection.

  • bucketIndex: Index of the bucket for the pending node.
  • nodeId: NodeId of the node to be added.
  • nodeAddress: Address of the node.
  • nodeContactAddressData: Additional contact data for the node.
  • block: Flag to run garbage collection synchronously.
  • connectionConnectTimeoutTime: Timeout for ping operations during garbage collection.
  • ctx: Context for timed operations.
  • tran: Optional database transaction.
  • Adds a node to the pending list for the specified bucket.
  • If block is true, runs garbage collection synchronously.
  • Sets up a garbage collection task if not blocking.
Usage Example:
await nodeManager.addPendingNode(

protected async setupGCTask(bucketIndex: number): Promise<void>

Sets up a garbage collection task for a specific bucket in the NodeGraph.

  • bucketIndex: Index of the bucket for which the garbage collection task is set up.
  • Checks for existing garbage collection tasks for the specified bucket.
  • Schedules a new task if none are active or scheduled.
  • Ensures that duplicate scheduled tasks are removed.
Usage Example:
await nodeManager.setupGCTask(bucketIndex);

public async resetBuckets(): Promise<void>

Resets all buckets in the NodeGraph in response to a key renewal.

  • Reorders all nodes across all buckets according to the new node ID after key renewal.
Usage Example:
await nodeManager.resetBuckets();

public refreshBucket(...): PromiseCancellable<void>

Performs a Kademlia refresh bucket operation for a specific bucket.

  • bucketIndex: Index of the bucket to refresh.
  • connectionConnectTimeoutTime: Timeout for each connection attempt during the refresh operation.
  • ctx: Optional context for timed operations.
  • Generates a random node ID within the range of the specified bucket.
  • Conducts a network lookup for the generated node ID, prompting an update of node graph information.
Usage Example:
await nodeManager.refreshBucket(bucketIndex, connectionTimeout, ctx);

protected async setupRefreshBucketTasks(tran?: DBTransaction): Promise<void>

Sets up tasks for refreshing buckets in the NodeGraph.

  • tran: Optional database transaction.
  • Iterates over existing refresh bucket tasks and resets their delays.
  • Recreates missing tasks for buckets that lack a scheduled refresh operation.
  • Adjusts tasks to account for jitter in the refresh delay.
Usage Example:
await nodeManager.setupRefreshBucketTasks(transaction);

public async updateRefreshBucketDelay(...): Promise<Task>

Updates the delay for a scheduled refresh bucket task.

  • bucketIndex: Index of the bucket for which the refresh task is being updated.
  • delay: Delay time for the refresh bucket task (defaults to the class's refreshBucketDelayTime).
  • lazy: Boolean indicating if the task should be lazily scheduled.
  • tran: Optional database transaction.
  • Iterates over existing tasks for the specified bucket and updates the delay for the first task found.
  • Cancels duplicate tasks found for the same bucket.
  • Creates a new task if none are scheduled or existing.
Usage Example:
const task = await nodeManager.updateRefreshBucketDelay(

public syncNodeGraph(...): PromiseCancellable<void>

Performs an initial synchronization of the NodeGraph with the network.

  • initialNodes: Array of initial node IDs and addresses to connect with.
  • connectionConnectTimeoutTime: Timeout for connection establishment.
  • blocking: Boolean indicating if the operation should block until completion.
  • ctx: Optional context for timed operations.
  • Connects to initial nodes provided.
  • Performs a find-node operation for the node's own ID.
  • Reschedules refresh bucket operations for buckets above the closest node found.
  • The process ensures the node joins the network and populates its k-buckets.
Usage Example:
await nodeManager.syncNodeGraph(initialNodes, timeout, blocking, ctx);