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Vaults are Polykey's method of securely storing secrets and information. Multiple vaults can be created which contain multiple secrets. These vaults are able to be securely transferred between nodes.


Each vault has a unique id, which is generated when it gets created. It is generated using Base58, and stored in the encryptedfs under its id. Within Polykey, the ID gets mapped to the vault, the current vaultName as well as the vaultKey, and in leveldb, the name and key gets stored under the ID.


Vaults maintain their own encrypted file system (EFS) along with a virtual file system (VFS) to store secrets within their respective vault directories contained within the polykey directory. The EFS ( uses AES-256-GCM to encrypt data. In polykey, the respective vault keys are passed into the EFS for encryption and decryption. The cryptographic operations are performed in the VFS to maintain security.

Each vault has a key that is used to lock and unlock secrets. These keys are stored in the VaultManager as:

type VaultKeys = { [key: string]: VaultKey };

To ensure security when they are stored on disk, asymmetric encryption takes place on each vault key, using the Root Public Key. These keys are then stored on disk using the level library. For accessing secrets within a vault, the relevant key can be extracted from the level database which is then decrypted using the Root Private Key. Then this vault key can be used to access secrets.

When the VaultManager is started, if metadata is found, then it is decrypted, and loaded into memory.


Metadata is stored using leveldb, under ~/.local/share/polykey/vaultKeys. It is simply a key-value store, and it is being used to store vaultNames as key, and the encrytped vault key as the value. It is updated on every relevant VaultManager operation including:

  • addVault
  • renameVault
  • deleteVault

Encrypted File System

EFS stores the data in the following form:

| salt (random, safeguards secrets) | init vector (random, initial state) | auth tag (verify data has not been modified) | encrypted data |

A virtual file system (VFS) is also passed to the encrypted files system, in order to create the in-memory file system. Two operations can be performed using the Encrypted File System; reads and writes. In order to maintain security, the secrets are decrypted in memory and not on disk. For write operations, the encrypted file is stored on disk and then stored in memory using the Virtual File System. In read operations, the file is accessed on disk then stored and decrypted in memory using the Virtual File System.



The VaultManager class is responsible for handling the many vaults a polykey instance would have. It contains a mapping of the vault name to the Vault object along with functions manage the vaults. This is what is exported from the Vaults module.

type VaultKey

Buffer of a vault key

type VaultKeys

  • [key: string]: VaultKey

Associates key names with their key value

type Vaults

  • [key: string]: Vault

Associates vault names with their vault class

new VaultManager(...)

Takes an object with the following properties:

  • baseDir: The base directory of the vaults
  • keyManager: A keyManager object
  • fs?: A filesystem object, defaults to fs/promises
  • logger?: Logger for outputting information, defaults to a new Logger()

Constructs an instance of vault manager. The VaultManager needs to be started with start()

public async start(): void

Starts the vault manager

public async stop(): void

Stops the vault manager

public async started(): Promise<boolean>

Checks to see whether or nor the current VaultManager instance has been started. This will be of use when ensuring that the VaultManager is fully initialized before attempting any changes, such as refreshing root keys.

public async addVault(vaultName: string): Promise<Vault>

  • vaultName: Name of vault

Adds a new vault. Returns the new vault if successful.

  • Throws ErrorVaultDefined exception if the vault name already exists in this VaultManager.

Also generates a new vault key and writes encrypted vault metadata to disk.

public async renameVault(currVaultName: string, newVaultName: string): Promise<boolean>

  • currVaultName: Current name of vault
  • newVaultName: New name of vault

Renames an existing vault. Returns a boolean describing the success of the operation.

  • Throws ErrorVaultUndefined exception if name of current vault does not exist
  • Throws ErrorVaultDefined if the new vault name already exists.

Updates references to vault keys and writes new encrypted vault metadata to disk.

public deleteVault(vaultName: string): boolean

  • vaultName: Name of vault to be deleted

Delete an existing vault. Deletes file from filesystem and updates mappings to vaults and vaultKeys. If it fails to delete from the filesystem, it will not modify any mappings and return false.

  • Throws ErrorVaultUndefined if vault name does not exist.

public getVault(vaultName: string): Vault

  • vaultName: Name of vault to get

Retrieves a Vault instance from the vault manager's mapping of vaults.

  • Throws ErrorVaultUndefined if the name given does not exist.

public listVaults(): string

Retrieve all the vaults for current node, returns an Array of vault names managed currently by the vault manager.

public scanNodeVaults(nodeId: string): string

  • nodeId: ID of node to list vaults for

List all vaults for a node given a nodeId. Returns an string of vault names.

public pullVault(vaultName: string, nodeId: string): boolean

  • vaultName: Name of vault to pull
  • nodeId: ID of node to pull from

Pull a vault from another node.

Returns true if successful. If the vault exists then the vault is pulled, changing the contents of the vault in the EFS by calling the corresponding pullVault function for the vault. If it doesn't exist then the vault is cloned and the contents of the vault are written using the EFS.

  • Throws ErrorVaultUndefined if the vault does not exist on the nodeIds store
  • Throws ErrorNodeUndefined if the node is not discoverable (in the node domain).

public reencryptVaultData(): void

When keypair is rotated, decrypt vault data and reencrypt with new keypair

private async writeVaultData(): Promise<void>

Writes encrypted vault data to disk. This includes encrypted vault keys and names. The encryption is done using the root key

private async putValueLeveldb(vaultName: string, vaultKey: Buffer): Promise<void>

  • vaultName name of vault
  • vaultKey vault key

Puts the vaultName value and the encrypted value for vaultKey into the leveldb

private async deleteValueLeveldb(vaultName: string): Promise<void>

  • vaultName name of vault

Deletes the vault from the leveldb

private async loadVaultData(): Promise<void>

Load existing vaults data into memory from vault metadata path. If metadata does not exist, does nothing. This method is called at the during the start() method and will attempt to populate the vaults and vaultKeys mappings of the VaultManager based on the information in the metadata.


This class represents the Vaults inside polykey, including functionality to manage its secrets, and git functionalities. Vaults are generally handled through the VaultManager.

const vaultManager = new VaultManager(...);
await vaultManager.addVault('MyVault');
const vault = vaultManager.getVault('MyVault');
// Create the vault, and initialize the vault's git repository for use
await vault.create();
await vault.initializeVault();

// Add a secret
await vault.addSecret("MySecret", "my-banking-details");

type NodePermissions

  • canPull: Indicates the ability of to pull the vault

Contains all the permissions and their values. At this stage, only pulling is implemented.

type ACL

  • [key: string]: NodePermissions

Associates a node ID with a node permissions instance

type FileChange

  • fileName: The name of the file that has been changed
  • action: The action performed on the file (added, removed, modified)

Contains the change information for a file

type FileChanges = Array<FileChange>

Alias for a list of file changes

new Vault(...)

  • baseDir: The base vault directory
  • vaultName: The name of the vault
  • nodePermissions: Indexed object of nodes and their permissions
  • efs: The encrypted file system for the vault
  • mutex: The mutex of the vault for blocking actions to a directory
  • 'logger`: The logger of the vault for outputting information

Creates an instance of a vault, takes in a key which is passed to the efs.

public async create()

Creates the vault directory.

public async destroy()

Destroys a vault.

public async initializeVault(): Promise<void>

Initializes the repository for the vault

public async vaultStats(): Promise<fs.Stats>

Retrieves stats for a vault. Returns an fs.Stats object which is serializable.

public pullVault(nodeId: string): void

  • nodeId: ID of node to pull from

Pulls the vault changes from a nodeId. No exceptions occur as the node ID has already been connected to and the existence of the vault has been checked by the VaultManager.

public async addSecret(secretName: string, content: Buffer): Promise<boolean>

  • secretName: Name of secret
  • content: Content of the secret

Adds a secret to the vault.

Returns true if success.

  • Throws ErrorSecretExists if a secret of the same name already exists or a directory of the same name exists
  • Throws ErrorGitFile exception if the file is a .git file
  • Throws ErrorVaultUnintialised if secret is added without the vault being initialised

public async addSecretDirectory(secretDirectory: string): Promise<void>

  • secretDirectory: Path to secret on disk

Adds a secret to the vault.

Returns true if success. If a secret of the same name already exists or a directory of the same name exists, that directory/secret will be updated.

  • Throws ErrorGitFile if a secret is a .git file
  • Throws ErrorVaultUninitialised if a secret is being added without the vault being initialised

public changePermissions(nodeId: string, newPermissions: NodePermissions): void

  • nodeId: ID of node
  • newPermissions: Permission(s) to change to

Changes the permissions of a node

public checkPermissions(nodeId: string): NodePermissions

  • nodeId: ID of node to check permissions for

Returns the permissions of a node in the form of NodePermissions. Inside the NodePermissions return there will be fields which indicate the ability of the node with a boolean. Currently there is only functionality for pulling, therefore only the canPull field will exist.

public async renameVault(newVaultName: string): Promise<boolean>

  • newVaultName: The name that the vault should be renamed to

Changes the name of the vault in memory and in the encrypted file system

public async updateSecret(secretName: string, content: Buffer): Promise<void>

  • secretName: Name of secret to update
  • content: New content of secret

Changes the contents of a secret

public async renameSecret(currSecretName: string, newSecretName: string): Promise<boolean>

  • currSecretName: Current name of secret
  • newSecretName: New name of secret

Changes the name of a secret in a vault: Returns true on success.

  • Throws ErrorGitFile is the currSecretName or newSecretName is '.git'
  • Throws ErrorSecretDefined if the new name of the secret already exists

public async listSecrets(): Promise<string>

Retrieves a list of the secrets in a vault: Returns secrets as a string.

public getSecret(secretName: string): Buffer | string;

  • secretName: Name of secret

Returns the contents of a secret. Uses the EFS to synchronously read in the contents of the file that has the secret name.

  • Throws ErrorSecretUndefined if secret with specified name does not exist

public async deleteSecret(secretName: string, recursive: boolean): Promise<boolean>

  • secretName: Name of secret to delete
  • recursive: Recursively delete secrets within

Removes a secret from a vault: Returns true on success.

  • Throws ErrorGitFile if secretName is '.git'
  • Throws ErrorRecursiveDelete if the specified secret is a directory but the deletion is not recursive
  • Throws ErrorSecretUdefined if the secret does not exist

private async commitChanges(fileChanges: FileChanges, message: string)

  • fileChanges: List of file changes
  • message: Commit message

Helper Method that commits the changes made to a vault repository

private writeNodePermissions(): void

Writes out the stored node permissions

private loadNodePermissions(): void

Loads the node permissions

Vault API

A polykey keynode will have an X.509 root certificate. This certificate is a secure way of presenting information for the keynode’s digital identity. The X.509 certfificate contains an asymmetric keypair, namely a root public key and root private key and that is specific to each keynode. These are 4096 bit RSA keys which are protected by a password when the keynode is initialised. When the passphrase is provided, the root keypair can be used for a number of different functions.

Vault Access

When a new vault is created, it is sealed using a 256 bit symmetric key. This symmetric key is generated by encrypting a random 256 bit buffer using AES and the root private key. To access the derived vault key, the root private key must be known. Each time a new vault is created, a new 256 bit is generated and stored.

Secret Access

Within each vault there can be a number of secrets. Each secret is protected with an Encrypted File System, which stores a file using AES-GCM encryption. The data is stored in the following form:

| salt (random, safeguards secrets) | init vector (random, initial state) | auth tag (verify data has not been modified) | encrypted data |

A virtual file system is also passed to the encrypted files system, in order to create the in-memory file system. Two operations can be performed using the Encrypted File System; reads and writes. In order to maintain security, the secrets are decrypted in memory and not on disk. For write operations, the encrypted file is stored on disk and then stored in memory using the Virtual File System. In read operations, the file is accessed on disk then stored and decrypted in memory using the Virtual File System.

Root Keypair Rotation

In some cases, the root keypair will need to be replaced with a new keypair or ‘rotated’. There is no need to generate new vault keys or other instances of encrypted data. Instead, the new root keypair can be generated. Then, the required metadata and vault keys are decrypted using the old root keypair and re-encrypted using the new root keypair. Therefore, PolyKey has now transferred to usage of the new root keypair without the entire removal of all data encrypted by the old root keypair.


In order to keep track of important information after PolyKey has been closed, this data is written on disk. The data that is stored includes the keynode’s gestalt graph, provider tokens, keys and node information. Some of this information, for example the vault keys of a keynode, needs to be encrypted before being stored in order to maintain security. To do this a bip39 mnemonic is encrypted using the root private key and stored on disk. The Encrypted File System mentioned previously then uses this mnemonic to encrypt the relevant data and store it on disk. This data is loaded and decrypted when required to access certain areas of PolyKey.

Vault Lifecycle

Vaults are encapsulated properties of VaultManager. A Vault is only constructed by requesting one from the VaultManager. That is, whilst a Vault has create/destroy/start/stop functions, these are always only called internally by VaultManager. Therefore, note that Vault is not dependency injected into VaultManager: we don't construct a Vault and then pass it to the VaultManager.

Creating a vault will generate a vault Id and link this to a provided name that is stored in metadata, providing that neither already exists. An encrypted filesystem will be started for the vault. Opening a vault will return the existing live vault (and encrypted filesystem) from the vault map, or will create the vault from existing metadata (if it exists) by starting the encrypted file system assigned to the vault. Closing a vault will remove the vault from the vault map, meaning that a encrypted file system will have to be created. Destroying a vault removes all references to the vault, including metadata and vault contents so that it cannot be opened again.

TODO: Add details about open/close/create and implications with memory/EFS to relate to this diagram. Also add a list of exceptions for error handling (for example: what happens when we call destroyVault on a vault that doesn't exist?) List these exceptions out.

Vaults are stored in a VaultMap, mapping from the vault ID to the Vault itself. Locking is required on this VaultMap to ensure consistent creation, destruction, opening, and closing. This VaultMap follows the generic ObjectMap flow for creation of a vault:

type ObjectMap = Map<
resource?: Object;
lock: MutexInterface;

Vault Operations

To view and write to the contents of a vault, there are various operations that can be performed on the underlying secrets in the vault. These are specified in the VaultOps: a high-level set of functions that operate on the contents of a vault.

Because each vault holds a singleton reference to the EFS, these operations take an individual Vault as their parameter (or multiple vaults, where the operation performs operations between vaults).

In the future, these will be extended to provide unix operations on and between the contents of vaults (for example, mv, touch).

Vault Sharing

A vault can be shared with other keynodes (and their respective gestalt) in the wider Polykey network. Although attempts to clone or pull vaults from an unauthorised keynode is disallowed to preserve the security of these vaults. Therefore, an attempt to clone/pull a vault will only be executed if the requesting keynode has the appropriate permissions set by the vault holder.

Permissions are altered in PolyKey by using the share and unshare commands. Permissions are stored by associating a vaultId to a nodeId which is then associated with a vaultAction. Sharing a vault will set clone and pull permissions for a particular keynode, however, these permissions will propagate to all other keynodes within its gestalt. Sharing a vault will also grant scan permissions to the keynode (and its gestalt). A notification is also sent to the corresponding keynode to alert them that a vault has been shared to them.

If we consider two remote keynodes, A and B, the cloning process would be as follows:

  1. B creates vault, v

  2. B shares vault v with A

    A couple of things occur:

    1. B enables the scan, pull, and clone permissions (these changes to the keynode A's permissions propagate to all other known nodes in its gestalt).
    2. B sends a notification to A to inform them that they can clone/pull the vault (a VaultShare notification)
  3. A clones v from B

    This cloning process is depicted as follows:

    TODO: Add diagram of process. See #258

Using the same setup, the pulling process would be as follows:

  1. B creates vault, v
  2. B shares vault v with A
  3. A clones v from B
  4. B makes changes to vault, v
  5. A pulls v from B

However, neither the vault to pull from nor the node Id need to be specified in pulling a vault. Each time that a vault is cloned or pulled, the nodeId and vaultId to pull from are stored as metadata to be used as default behaviour. Changes can also be pulled from other vaults as long as the original vault is the same as the vault that is receiving the changes. However, currently cloned vaults are inherently immutable and so this feature is not useful at this stage. No mutations can be performed on cloned vaults: a mutable copy of the vault needs to be created to do so.

Vault Storage

A Vault is an encrypted filesystem, used to store and manage secrets.

Each Vault contains a shared, singleton reference to the EFS, and apply their reads and writes to a specific directory on the EFS (matching the vault's ID).

│ │
│ VaultManager │
│ │
│ ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
│ │ VaultMap │ │
│ │ (VaultId -> VaultData) │ │
│ └─────────────────────┬────────────────────┘ │
│ │ │
│ ┌──────────────┼──────────────┐ │
│ │ │ │ │
│ ┌──────▼─────┐ ┌──────▼─────┐ ┌──────▼─────┐ │
│ │ Vault Foo │ │ Vault Bar │ │ Vault Baz │ │
│ │ /123sdf984 │ │ /34891zxf! │ │ /a!?@#8911 │ │
│ └──────┬─────┘ └──────┬─────┘ └──────┬─────┘ │
│ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │
│ ┌─────▼──────────────▼──────────────▼─────┐ │
│ │ EncryptedFS │ │
│ └─────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
│ │

However, the root of the vaults filesystem is contained inside a contents folder specific for that vault, meaning that a vault cannot access file outside of its containing directory. The git metadata is stored inside the vault directory, but outside of the contents directory so as to not interfere with any secrets.


Vault Versioning

The history of changes to a vault's contents are retained in a git history (through the use of isomorphic-git).

This history can be used to move backwards or forwards along the various versions of the vault's contents. Consider the history like a linked chain of commits, that can be safely traversed up and down.

However, note that if a mutation is performed when viewing a vault at an earlier version, any later versions are discarded from the chain.

This versioning process is displayed in the following visualisation:

A -> B -> C -> D

> pk vaults version vault1 B
A -> B -> C -> D

> pk vaults version vault1 D
A -> B -> C -> D

> pk vaults version vault1 B
A -> B -> C -> D

> // make some changes and commit these whilst still at commit B
A -> B -> E

This process can also be shown on the following state diagram:

TODO: textually expand on diagram (from #258)